Robin Kramer

Robin Kramer

Associate Teaching Professor of Communication Arts and Sciences
(814) 865-1684
202 Sparks Building University Park , PA 16802

Curriculum Vitae


B.S. The Pennsylvania State University, 2000
M.Ed. The Pennsylvania State University, 2004

Professional Bio

Robin Kramer is an Associate Teaching Professor with extensive experience teaching courses in rhetoric and civic life (CAS 137H/138T) and public speaking (CAS 100A/100A for Engineers).  Robin has received university recognition for teaching excellence and contributions to the education of undergraduates, and as such, she specializes in pedagogical mentoring through consultations with new instructors and seminars, such as Penn State’s Teaching and Learning with Technology Symposium.  A firm believer in the power of thoughtful and timely rhetoric, Robin challenges her students to express their ideas effectively and enact positive change in the world around them through spoken, written, and visual mediums.