Advances in the History of Rhetoric
“Advances in the History of Rhetoric” published research from scholars interested in the historical aspects of rhetoric, including theory, discourse, and criticism.
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American Behavioral Scientist
“American Behavioral Scientist” is a source of information for scholars, researchers, professionals, and students, providing in-depth perspectives on intriguing contemporary topics throughout the social and behavioral sciences. Each issue offers comprehensive analysis of a single topic, examining such important and diverse arenas as sociology, international and U.S. politics, behavioral sciences, communication and media, economics, education, ethnic and racial studies, terrorism, and public service.
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Annals of the International Communication Association
“Communication Yearbook” is an annual book that publishes literature reviews and essays on communication topics.
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Argumentation and Advocacy
“Argumentation and Advocacy” is a journal that invites scholarship on contemporary and historical argumentation studies, including theory, social influence, interpersonal influence, forensics, and pedagogy.
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Communication Monographs
“Communication Monographs” is a journal that invites research on proposing, testing, and revising communication theory, which includes interpersonal, media, rhetorical, health, language, and intercultural scholarship.
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Communication Quarterly
“Communication Quarterly” is a journal that publishes reports, critical studies, reviews, and original research on a variety of communication topics.
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Communication Research
“Communication Research” is a journal that publishes scholarship on the processes, antecedents, and consequences of communication.
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Communication Studies
“Communication Studies” is a regional journal that publishes research on human communication processes.
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Conservation Science & Practice
“Conservation Science and Practice” publishes papers that address the policy, planning, and practice of conserving biological diversity. The journal publishes papers that expand conservation knowledge ranging from practical experience to advances in theory.
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Health Communication
“Health Communication” is a journal that publishes research methodological, theoretical, and applied articles on health communication.
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Human Communication Research
“Human Communication Research” is a journal that publishes empirical research on theory and methodology in communication.
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International Journal of Business Communication
“The International Journal of Business Communication” (IJBC) publishes peer-reviewed, rigorous original research that contributes to the knowledge and theory of business communication as a distinct, multifaceted field approached through the administrative disciplines, the liberal arts, and the social sciences.
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Journal of Applied Communication Research
“The Journal of Applied Communication Research” is a journal that publishes communication research that has broader applications in practical contexts.
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Journal of Communication
The “Journal of Communication” is a journal that publishes research on theory, practice, and policy of communication.
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Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication
“Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication” (JCMC) is a fully open-access scholarly journal. Its focus is social science research on communicating with computer-based media technologies.
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Journal of Environmental Psychology
“The Journal of Environmental Psychology” is the premier journal in the field, serving individuals in a wide range of disciplines who have an interest in the scientific study of the transactions and interrelationships between people and their surroundings (including built, social, natural and virtual environments, the use and abuse of nature and natural resources, and sustainability-related behavior).
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Journal of Family Communication
The “Journal of Family Communication” publishes theoretical and empirical research on the topics of family and interpersonal communication.
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Journal of Health Communication
The “Journal of Health Communication” is an international journal that publishes research on global health, social marketing, health campaigns, and developments in the field of health communication.
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Journal of Language and Social Psychology
The “Journal of Language and Social Psychology” publishes multilinguistic research on language, psychology, and society.
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Journal of Social and Personal Relationships
The “Journal of Social and Personal Relationships” publishes communication, psychology, and sociology research on the interpersonal features of human relationships.
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Mass Communication and Society
“Mass Communication and Society” publishes articles on a wide variety of topics that aim to advance mass communication theory, especially at the societal or macrosocial level. It publishes original articles and book reviews on topics related to mass media practices, content, effects, messages, and research methods.
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Peitho: Journal of the Coalition of Feminist Scholars in the History of Rhetoric and Composition
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Personal Relationships
“Personal Relationships” is a journal that publishes research focusing on communication, psychology, and sociology perspectives of interpersonal features and processes in human relationships.
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Project Management Journal
“Project Management Journal”® (PMJ) is the academic and research journal of the Project Management Institute and features state-of-the-art research, techniques, theories, and applications in project management.
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Quarterly Journal of Speech
The “Quarterly Journal of Speech” publishes research that pertain to rhetorical perspectives on texts, discourses, and cultural practices.
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Rhetoric & Public Affairs
“Rhetoric & Public Affairs” is a journal that publishes research on the history, theory, and criticism of public discourse.
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Rhetoric Society Quarterly
“Rhetoric Society Quarterly” is a journal that publishes research on the history, theory, criticism, and pedagogy of rhetoric.
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Social Science & Medicine
“Social Science & Medicine” provides an international and interdisciplinary forum for the dissemination of social science research on health.
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Western Journal of Communication
The “Western Journal of Communication” is a journal that publishes research on the theoretical and methodological perspectives on communication.
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