Shannon Cruz

Shannon Cruz

Assistant Professor of Communication Arts and Sciences
(814) 865-3461
219 Sparks Building University Park , PA 16802

Curriculum Vitae


B.A., Michigan State University, 2012
B.S., Michigan State University, 2012
M.A., Michigan State University, 2015
Ph.D., Michigan State University, 2016

Professional Bio

Shannon Cruz studies the determinants, processes, and outcomes of social influence, particularly in environmental contexts. More specifically, she is interested in how environmental attitudes are shaped by ideological factors, change dynamically as the result of social interaction in groups and networks, and can be altered by persuasive messages. Her current line of research focuses on climate change attitudes, examining how messages can help bridge the ideological divide on this issue. Her research has appeared in outlets such as the Journal of Environmental Psychology, Climatic Change, and Social Influence. Professor Cruz teaches classes in quantitative methods (CAS 304) and group communication (CAS 450W).