Oliver Tripp

Oliver Tripp

Graduate Assistant in Communication Arts and Sciences
316 Sparks Building

Curriculum Vitae


B.A., San Francisco State University, 2018
M.A., San Francisco State University, 2022
Ph.D., Penn State University, anticipated 2026

Professional Bio

Oliver Tripp researches the intersection between More-than-Human rhetorics and transgender studies; their recent work focuses on plant and mushroom communication in relation to trans* intelligibility and resistance, with attention to the rhetoric of bioartbiosonification, and networks of care. They have taught several styles of collegiate debate, Fundamentals of Oral Communication, and Transgender Communication Studies, and they currently teach Effective Speech (CAS100A). Outside of academics, Oliver also collaborates on research with Fighting Eating Disorders in Underrepresented Populations, where they have been published in Pediatric Annals.