Elisa Vogel

Elisa Vogel

Graduate Assistant in Communication Arts and Sciences
316 Sparks Building


B.A., Penn State University, 2020
M.A., Penn State University, 2024
Ph.D., Penn State University, anticipated 2028

Professional Bio

Elisa Vogel is a communication scientist studying political communication and democratic deliberation. She is especially interested in the role of listening in political conversations, and her current work explores the relationship between discourse quality and listening in small group deliberations. She is also interested in finding research applications for artificial intelligence technologies and large language models.

In addition to her research, Elisa has taught or TA'd for a number of classes in the CAS department including Effective Speech (CAS 100A), Persuasion and Propaganda (CAS 175), Communication and Information Technology (CAS 283), Communication Theory (CAS 303), Quantitative Research Methods (CAS 304), and Conflict Resolution and Negotiation (CAS 404).