General Resources

General Resources

The College, the Fox Graduate School, and the University provide a wealth of resources and information for graduate students. Explore the links below to learn more about policies, resources, and opportunities that pertain to graduate students.

Graduate Student Resource Guide

Resource booklets on Child Care Facilities in the State College Area and Summer Programs and Camps for School-Age Children are available free of charge from the Office of Human Resources.

International Student Services provides answers to questions and needs that are unique to international students. The office is located at 410 Boucke Building.

Graduate Student Association (GSA) is the representative body for all graduate students. The GSA addresses issues of concern to graduate students and elects members to sit on shared-governance bodies of the University. The GSA also organizes social events for graduate students.

The Office of Student Aid is a good place to begin the search for financial assistance.

The Office for Disability Services provides information and assistance to students with disabilities. 

The Writing Center is sponsored by the Graduate School and provides assistance to graduate students who wish to enhance their writing skills. Graduate students are invited to schedule appointments for one-on-one discussions of their writing projects.

The Safe Walk Service is designed to provide walking accompaniment for Penn State students, employees, and visitors who may feel unsafe walking alone on campus at night. Safe Walks are available from dusk to dawn – 365 days a year., and may be reached at 5-WALK (865-9255).

Off-Campus Housing opportunities and assistance are provided by Student Affairs.

Office of Student Accountability and Conflict Response is responsible for dealing with violations of the Code of Conduct including sexual assault, harassing, stalking, and physical assault. The phone number is 863-0342.

The Code of Conduct is available at

The Affirmative Action Office is committed to ensuring the University maintains an environment free of harassment and discrimination.

HUB-Robeson Center is the site for multiple student services including restaurants, a copy center, a bank (Penn State Federal Credit Union), STA Travel, a convenience store, the Penn State Bookstore, the Center for Arts and Crafts, Art Galleries, and the main information desk for the University.

Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) can help students resolve personal concerns that may interfere with their academic progress, social development, and satisfaction at Penn State. Some of the more common concerns include difficulty with friends, roommates, or family members; depression and anxiety; sexual identity; lack of motivation or difficulty relaxing, concentrating or studying; eating disorders; sexual assault and sexual abuse recovery; and uncertainties about personal values and beliefs.

Career Services, located in the MBNA Career Services Building, is fully equipped to assist graduate students in the preparation of resumes and curriculum vitae and in developing effective interviewing skills. Career Services hosts a career fair that is open to graduate as well as undergraduate students.

Research Protections is the office that oversees all research on human participants, animals, radioisotopes and biohazardous materials. You must have permission from this office prior to conducting research involving any of these subjects. Permission can not be obtained after the work has begun.

Pasquerilla Spiritual Center is home to more than fifty spiritual organizations. The center is non-denominational and provides students with opportunities to explore ethical and spiritual issues.

Problem resolution

Graduate students occasionally have difficulties with their advisors, their programs or an academic matter associated with their programs.  The first step in problem resolution is always to talk with your advisor and then with the program chair or department head and then the associate dean of your college. If satisfactory resolution remains elusive, the associate dean of the Graduate School is available to provide guidance and maintain neutrality. Issues discussed during meetings with the associate dean will remain confidential if requested by the student. Appointments may be made by calling 865-2516.

Academic Integrity

The University does not tolerate violations of academic integrity, which include but are not limited to: plagiarism, cheating, falsification of information, misrepresentation or deception. The complete policy is available at:


Plagiarism is often a confusing concept. At Penn State, plagiarism means taking someone’s words and presenting them as your own. Cutting and pasting from a web site is considered plagiarism. Copying verbatim from any source without using quotation marks and the full reference is plagiarism. Plagiarism is a serious violation of academic integrity regardless of whether it is a homework exercise, an exam, a thesis, or a manuscript for publication.

University policies may be viewed on line. Important policies include: Sexual Harassment (AD41)

Professional Ethics (AD47) Parking Rules (BS04)  Intellectual Property (RA11)

Graduate Student Policies are available on line These include:

Grade mediation (G-10)

Resolution of problems (Appendix II)  Termination of program (Appendix III) Termination of assistantship (Appendix IV) Residency requirements (Appendix V)