CAS 471 – Intercultural Communication Theory and Research

CAS 471 – Intercultural Communication Theory and Research

This upper division course provides a comprehensive overview of culture and communication from a social science perspective. You will learn and apply communication theories to analyze and solve problems that affect intra-group and intercultural communication. You will also interact on a regular basis with international students in the intensive English program.

Course Objectives

This course is designed to challenge you to

  • Recognize and present clear descriptions of culture’s ability to shape and modify perceptions, attitudes, beliefs, values, and communication (verbal and non-verbal) in both general instances and specific contexts, e.g., business and educational settings.
  • Understand and apply intercultural communication theories and research.
  • Evaluate real-world intercultural problems, defend your analysis, and justify your solutions with articulate logic and appropriate empirical evidence.
  • Improve your intercultural communication skills



CAS 471 fulfills

  • General Education: International Cultures (IL)