CAS 311 – Rhetorical Criticism

CAS 311 – Rhetorical Criticism

Methods of Rhetorical Criticism exposes students to the theories and practices of conducting rhetorical analyses of speeches, newspapers, television, commercials, movies, slogans, debates, and other forms of public communication. This class builds on the knowledge students obtain in CAS 201, Rhetorical Theory, by applying abstract models of persuasion and rhetoric to the study of real-world phenomena. After providing a survey of different research methods, students will be asked to conduct their own studies into how rhetoric reflects and shapes our everyday experience.

Course Objectives

  • Expose students to the wide array of methodologies and critical perspectives that constitute the analysis of public discourse.
  • Prepare students to write senior-level papers and Honor’s Theses in rhetorical criticism.
  • Enhance students’ critical thinking, writing, and oral communication skills.



CAS 311 fulfills

  • General Education: Humanities (GH)
  • GenEd Learning Objective: Crit and Analytical Think
  • GenEd Learning Objective: Key Literacies
  • GenEd Learning Objective: Soc Resp and Ethic Reason